The 3 biggest benefits of One-Stop-Shop (OSS) for Amazon sellers in the EU

14/04/2023 - EU Tax Compliance The 3 biggest benefits of One-Stop-Shop (OSS) for Amazon sellers in the EU Image by freepik on Freepik

With the ever-growing competition among Amazon sellers to capture customers' attention, staying compliant with tax regulations is crucial for their success. One-Stop-Shop (OSS) has emerged as a valuable way for Amazon sellers to streamline their tax compliance process and gain a competitive edge.

In our previous blog post, "Basics of OSS" we covered its general basics. In this blog post, we will delve into the ways in which OSS can benefit Amazon sellers, helping them stay compliant with tax regulations in the ever-evolving world of e-commerce.

Embracing OSS can help Amazon sellers stay compliant with tax regulations, enhance their reputation, and drive business success in the competitive marketplace.

Benefit number 1: streamlined process for selling to multiple EU countries

Selling across different EU member states can be complex due to varying VAT rates, thresholds, and regulations. OSS provides a simplified process for Amazon sellers to navigate the complexities of selling in multiple EU countries.

The most significant benefit of the OSS is the simplified process of filing VAT returns. Instead of filing separate VAT returns for each country, sellers can file a single VAT return through the OSS concept, which automatically distributes the VAT collected to the respective countries. This saves time and effort and reduces the risk of missing deadlines or making mistakes in filing VAT returns.

Please keep in mind that registering for OSS does not mean you are not obligated to register for VAT (and submit it) in each country where you stock your goods.

Benefit number 2: improved customer experience

Amazon customers have come to expect a seamless and hassle-free shopping experience. Tax compliance is essential to providing a positive customer experience, as customers should not be charged incorrectly for VAT. Using OSS ensures that Amazon sellers are compliant with the varying VAT regulations in different EU countries, resulting in accurate pricing for customers. This helps sellers build customers' trust, enhance their reputation, and foster customer loyalty.

Benefit number 3: time and cost savings

Managing tax compliance can be time-consuming and complex, especially when selling in multiple EU countries. OSS simplifies the process, saving Amazon sellers time and effort in calculating, collecting, and filing VAT. By automating these processes, sellers can focus on other aspects of their business, such as product sourcing, marketing, and customer service. Additionally, OSS can also result in cost savings by minimizing the risk of errors, penalties and fines.


In conclusion, One-Stop-Shop (OSS) can be a valuable way for Amazon sellers to simplify tax compliance and gain a competitive edge in the dynamic world of e-commerce. By streamlining the process of selling in multiple EU countries, improving customer experience, reducing the risk of penalties and fines, and saving time and costs, OSS can benefit Amazon sellers in managing their tax obligations effectively.

Embracing OSS can help Amazon sellers stay compliant with tax regulations, enhance their reputation, and drive business success in the competitive marketplace.

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